INRIX data is recorded from mobile phones, connected cars, trucks, delivery vans, and other fleet vehicles equipped with GPS locator devices and provides data for personal and freight truck movement. INRIX data is available through a license agreement via a web-based platform and application programming interfaces. Roadway locations are referenced using traffic message channels (TMCs).
Data is processed to provide travel time, time-cost delays, trends, bottlenecks, incident response, and underlying anonymized historical data for downloading. The data collected is processed in real-time 24 hours a day, creating traffic speed information for major freeways, highways, and arterials across North America.
Because most data sourced by INRIX is from connected vehicles managed by fleet operators or vehicle manufacturers, unique vehicle identifiers can be recycled daily, weekly, or monthly and thus limits the ability to study ‘regular’ travel of vehicles between home and work locations.
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