The ODE is a real-time virtual data router that ingests and processes operational data from various connected devices—including vehicles, infrastructure, and traffic management centers—and distributes it to other devices and subscribing transportation management applications. 1 The vision of the ODE is not only to provide a scalable, data router software system to support the ongoing connected vehicle research efforts, but also to serve as an open source, open build system with an active group of collaborators who can define and develop its capabilities. The system allows applications to submit data through a variety of standard interfaces, supporting both the producers and consumers of connected vehicle data. As it is open source, it can be used and/or adapted by localities for their deployment of connected vehicle operations. The code can be found on the USDOT CV Pilot Git repository 2

An example application of the ODE is Wyoming DOT’s adaptation of the code to process and distribute messages received from CVs (e.g., vehicle location, heading, acceleration, and other vehicle status data) to the TMC in Cheyenne using Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1). WYDOT’s ODE contains an open source decoder for ASN.1, expanding the messages into easily-readable JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) used by the Wyoming TMC and many other TMCs. According to the WYDOT system integrator, the ODE software “makes connected vehicle complexities disappear” by facilitating data transfer among the major components of the CV Pilot deployment. It runs on an Ubuntu (Linux) server at the WYDOT TMC. 2

Referencing Page:

  • 1U.S. DOT ITS JPO. (n.d.). The Operational Data Environment (ODE). Retrieved June 4, 2020, from U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office:
  • 2 a b U.S. DOT ITS JPO. (n.d.). Wyoming Connected Vehicle Pilot Integrates Connected Vehicle Data into Traffic Management and Information Dissemination. Retrieved June 4, 2020, from U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office: