This report describes requirements, technical issues, technologies, and practices that will be necessary to collect, process, store, use and share large volumes of messages from road side equipment (RSE) to the traffic management centers (TMCs). These recommendations could find their way into data sharing standards for connected and automated vehicles (CAV) that could better define practices. The report also lists a series of issues where gaps in technical guidance exist and where future research and development efforts are needed to prepare guidance and other resources for public agencies. For example, existing traffic management industry practices and standards are probably not adequate for sharing of connected vehicle data from potentially hundreds of RSEs communicating with a large number of CAVs and connected travelers in a jurisdiction or with other agencies or service providers. Big data tools, technologies, and appropriate software APIs will likely be required for such interfaces. 1

Referencing Page:

  • 1Sumner, R., Gettman, D., Toppen, A., & Obenberger, J. (2018). Integrating Emerging Data Sources into Operational Practice: Capabilities and Limitations of Devices to Collect, Compile, Save, and Share Messages from CAV. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office. Retrieved June 4, 2020, from